Interested in goats milk bath anyone!?

I really want to expand my products and give different options for people who love the benefits of goats milk. So far I have bar and liquid soap, will soon be making goats milk lotions and I also thought about doing goats milk bath! If you do not know what a jar of milk bath is let me explain! It's a mixture of  powdered milk, dried florals and herbs, essential oils, salts, clays etc. You can personalize them a million ways and never run out of options! This type of product would be great for a very unique gift during the holiday season which is fast approaching! I would like some feedback on this! They would come in 8 oz. jars and you just need a couple scoops per bath! I would probably just take special orders every so often because I do not want a product like this sitting on a shelf for several months without being used. I want to make them nice and fresh and sell them to you that way as well. Let me know what you think! 


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