Christmas on the farm is almost here!
We celebrate a traditional farmhouse Christmas every year. My favorite! Usually an early breakfast and yummy hot coffee with Christmas flavored creamer, chores and then we come back for presents, family time, lots of laughter and more food! Of course some of those chores not only include our pretty goats but a nice group of Angus cattle, lots of chickens, doggies, cats, ducks, a turkey and a rabbit! (And we usually bring a little bit of those chore leftovers in with us!) But we would not have it any other way! And every year it's nice to have a little snow on Christmas morning, especially if we need some moisture! As I went through and checked my girls (goats) tonight, I brought the reindeer horns with me. I could not get them to leave them alone so I tried them on was successful. And don't worry, these animals are not abused...they really are treated like royalty! LOL
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