Happy New Year!

Out with the old, in with the new! How is it 2019 already? Hope you all had a great holiday! Now it is time to switch gears and prepare for all the 2019 babies!!! Last year (2018) was my first kidding year with Red. He gave me a whale of a set of babies...including every color in the book! It was about a split 50/50 for doelings and bucklings. I hope this year is just as good! I am really looking forward to breeding season this coming fall because all of Red's daughters will be bred to my dapple buck, Iron Chief! You have to be so patient with deals like that but it is sooooo worth it! We have so many exciting things planned for the farm in 2019...our goals were accomplished last year and my reams are even bigger this year. I hope I can tackle it all in 12 months but we will see! Continue to follow my block and Facebook pages for all those exciting updates! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!


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