Midwest Buck Sale-Where the Meat Meets the Money
What an honor! I have been asked to photograph at the MIDWEST BUCK SALE this summer! I wanted to post this info so if you were directed to any of my pages you'll know you are in the right place to see photography samples and ask any questions you might have.
This is a 4 day event beginning May 29 through June 1, 2019 in Sedalia, Missouri at the Missouri State Fairgrounds.
"Through the week there will be speakers, demonstrations, and a lot of conversations.
The purpose of the event is to introduce breeders and buyers to genetics from around the country, in one location.
It's an opportunity to showcase your stock, as a breeder.
This is a premiere event. Bring your best stock to show and sell.
National titles, awards, information and demonstrations by professionals in the meat goat industry."
If you have any questions regarding this event please contact Rochelle Gates. She is working hard to put on the *event of the year* in the meat goat industry! There are different classes...you can see there are several meat goat breeds listed. Rochelle and the MIDWEST BUCK SALE team have also been working on raising money to put towards a new goat pavilion at the Missouri State fairgrounds. Here is a link if you'd like to contribute. There are also t-shirt sales going on!
"Through the week there will be speakers, demonstrations, and a lot of conversations.
The purpose of the event is to introduce breeders and buyers to genetics from around the country, in one location.
It's an opportunity to showcase your stock, as a breeder.
This is a premiere event. Bring your best stock to show and sell.
National titles, awards, information and demonstrations by professionals in the meat goat industry."
If you have any questions regarding this event please contact Rochelle Gates. She is working hard to put on the *event of the year* in the meat goat industry! There are different classes...you can see there are several meat goat breeds listed. Rochelle and the MIDWEST BUCK SALE team have also been working on raising money to put towards a new goat pavilion at the Missouri State fairgrounds. Here is a link if you'd like to contribute. There are also t-shirt sales going on!
I am super excited to attend this event because #1...I love goats but the discussion on the SA Boer Goat breed standard is going to be awesome! It's a big topic so I know this info will be very interesting! Here is a little info that Rochelle posted on the sale page.
"The premise behind the Boer Goat Congress, at the Midwest Buck Sale, will be just this. The stock will be sorted for quality and the breed standards for the SA boer goat.
The Boer Goat Congress would like to support and help advertise the SA style Boer Goat in America.
Stock will go through an alley and into the arena one at a time. They will be judged by three judges. Sorted for qualifications according to the breed standard.
Registered and non registered show together.
All stud quality stock will return to the arena for the final champion selection. "Commercial" quality stock will be sorted for sale order. Culls will not sell.
We will post a series of videos so breeders will become familiar with how this "show" will work.
Please read the details for each individual show.
The Boer Goat Congress would like to support and help advertise the SA style Boer Goat in America.
Stock will go through an alley and into the arena one at a time. They will be judged by three judges. Sorted for qualifications according to the breed standard.
Registered and non registered show together.
All stud quality stock will return to the arena for the final champion selection. "Commercial" quality stock will be sorted for sale order. Culls will not sell.
We will post a series of videos so breeders will become familiar with how this "show" will work.
Please read the details for each individual show.
Not all shows and stock will be exhibited the same way."
You can also visit the https://www.facebook.com/groups/midwestbucksale/facebook page and the website midwestbucksale.com to check out some more info!
**Like I said, this is going to be THE EVENT OF THE YEAR in the meat goat industry!!! Don't miss it!**
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