June's scent of the month

This will be June's 𝓕𝓻𝓸𝓶 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓯𝓪𝓻𝓶™ 'scent of the month' soap bar but I decided to go ahead and take some pictures of it now since I think it's one of my prettiest I have made so far! I will have some others going to the pharmacy too but they aren't quite ready. I also used up my "ugly" labels and am ready to start my pretty stuff once again.
This soap might look different because it was used in a honeycomb and bee mold! It is made with goat milk and real honey with a bit of oatmeal! It smells so good you almost want to eat it! (but please don't!) It's just sweet and simple! Some have a white top, some have a honey top for experimental purposes but I think I like the white top best!
Little story on the bees. June reminds me of haying season and BEES! Although honey bees aren't the culprit in the hay fields and special holes...when I was a kid, dad and I were in his old truck. The seat had a hole in it which I knew bumble bees liked to make a nest in. I kept an eye on them from a distance. He said lets go get some work done and the truck was fine to ride in so we went out and did our thing while I was tense the entire time in that old bouncy seat. After we finished, he shut the truck off right beside the old maple tree in the driveway. He jumped out his side and came around to help me down. Just at that exact moment, a swarm of bees flew out from underneath my little bottom in that darned old hole and started to attack me. I knew what was going to happen the entire time! He swung me around full speed, flinging my little body every which way high in the air trying to get the bees off, running towards the house as I was screaming bloody murder. I was bawling as giant welts grew in size all over my body once we made it inside the house. From that day on my paranoia of stinging insects forever haunts me! Now honeybees will still sting and I will still jump out of a moving vehicle if something is in there with me! (that's happened too! and bees are the only real thing I am afraid of) but I do have a deep appreciation for those little creatures so this soap is a very special one and I am glad I get to share a special bar with you!


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